My first experience Hiking Arjuno Mountain
After I’m in senior high school for the first time I know about
hiking and climbing, I joined one of extracurricular in my school and the club
name is SMA 6 Pecinta Alam, I joined that club because I like adventure and
nature. After I learned about survive on the mountain and all about
something that we need on the mountain for one year finally the real
hiking is coming I went hiking with my friend and my senior, actually the
mountain that we choose is Semeru but in D-1 we got bad news, the bad news is
there is storm on the top of Semeru Mountain so we change to the Arjuno
Mountain. We know that Semeru is the highest mountain in Java Island with 3676
mdpl but Arjuno is one of the high mountain too with 3339 mdpl.
We went to
Arjuno at 1 July 2013, we went there by public transportation like bus and mini
bus. We needed 3 days for hiking and 1 day for go down. First day we
start our hiking at 10.00 am we leaved the first post to go to the second post
(Pondokan). During our journey the rain was fall until we arrived at the second
post, the rain made the track difficult to hike and this the adventure. We
arrived in second post at ± 19.00 pm. In Pondokan there is many hiker, one of
them gave us a cup of warm milk (thanks for the man) after that we built our
tent and then we cooked some food for dinner. After we had eaten, we sleep
until morning. In the morning before we continue our journey we cooked first
for breakfast and we continued our journey to the third pos (Lembah Kidang),
Lembah Kidang is the last post before top of mountain.
We continued our journey
at 8.00 am and it was raining again (poor us) because of rain the fog is
coming huft it was made us difficult to saw the track and thanks for God we found
a small shelter to take a rest. After the fog has gone we continued our
journey, but I like when it was raining because we can drank the rainwater
after we collect the water in to our raincoat, the water taste was very fresh.
Finally we arrived in lembah kidang at 18.00pm but one of my friend was getting
hypothermia, all of us was hugging him,I was so afraid but thanks for God my
friend was getting better after we gave him wedang jahe after that we built
tent and made food for dinner and sleep to prepare our physics and our
mental of course. Lembah Kidang is beautiful place in the morning there is big
savannah and small waterfall and the water was so fresh ._.
After we breakfast we prepared the tools that we need, we just
brought one carrier for our food and medicine, and this is fighting time we go
to the top of the mountain at 10 am. During the journey we put sign in some
place for orientation so we didn’t get lose anymore. The track was more
difficult and it was make us so tired, but the view is soooo beautiful I swear
thanks for God because make the beautiful world. We continued our journey and
finally we arrived on the top of the mountain at 15.00 pm and some of us
found a bank of rock, the rock formed like a pyramid and resident called it
“The Door of Satan Market”, but not all people can go to “Satan Market”, we
just can see the rock (very horrible). Back to our journey, finally we found
our country flag and that flag is sign that we have arrived the real top of the
mountain, we were on 3339 mdpl wooww it was soooooo amazing when we looked
around we like on the cloud… ….(speechless). We sang Syukur song first to
respect our God power…. After that we took picture together ((((:
I was the one standing in the middle |
The picture we took on top of Mount Arjuno |
At 16.00 we went back to our tent in Lembah Kidang but we got
trouble because it was dark we difficult to find the right way, but finally we
found our tent safely at 18.30 pm, we cooked some meal for dinner and after
that we sleep to prepare our physic to go down next day. Yup this was last day
in the mountain :’) we didn’t cook for breakfast we just made milk and
ate some breads. We go down at 9.00 am, we go down with running not walking
because we didn’t have much time so were run but it is amazing, unfortunately
me and my friend getting small accident we were fall down and we get injured in
our knees it made our trousers ripped (poor my trouser L) but it wasn’t make me trauma so I continued my journey with
running again J. We arrived at first
post at 15.00pm and we bought bakso yummy but the bakso price was very
expensive -_-
Someday I want to go hiking in Arjuno again with someone special….
But I don’t know when.. :D
I will always remember the Pecinta Alam Motto
“Be Brave by Advanture, Be Strong by Nature”
So that is my first great experience,
Thank you J JJ
This is my second experience Hiking Penanggungan
In holiday me and my friends go hiking together but we choose
small mountain the mountain is Penanggungan, the high is just 1653 mdpl but the
track is more more difficult from Arjuno because the track is small and more
steepy and slippery too, so it make us more tired. We hike just for 2
days. We start the journey at 11.00 am and we arrived in camping place at 17.00
pm so it didn’t need much time because the mountain is small. We built the tent
and cooked some meal for dinner after that we sang together. That night is the
best night for me because I felt free I can sang together with my friend and I
can saw the star and the moon clearly, you know miss I felt like in the top of
the world I felt I can took the star it was amazing, if I can take the picture
I will show you how beautiful that view. After we sang together we go sleep to
prepare our physic for next day. At 2.00 am we woke up because we want to see
the sunrise ((: woow can you imagine that?? it was interesting……
We start hike after we prepare our food and medicine, and huuft
the track was double difficult but it can made us stop, we help each other. It
was first time I heard adzan on the mountain, subhanallah and the wind blows
made me fresh… when I look around the city light was like diamond, beautiful
very beautiful..
Finally we arrived on the top at 5.00am,, we ate some food with
waiting the sunrise.. fifteen minutes later the sunlight had seen…… and
this was the heaven of the world… sunrise on the top of the mountain….
After we took picture we back to our camp and we cooked food for
breakfast and than prepare to go down…
Sunrise at Mount Penanggungan |
Do you know which one was me? I was the one with black veil |
I wish someday I can go to Korea and I want to hiking in there
with someone special of course J maybe with you
miss.. we can go hiking in Korea together with BigBang and kim soo
hyun :D