Gustav Aulia is a tv presenter. He was born at Sumedang, West Java on 4th January 1983. So he is twenty eight years old. He had finished his college in Gunadarma University, Depok, West Java. His wife is Sandra Dewi, but she is not the actress one. They have a son, named Malik Adhwa Aulia, the baby was born on 8th January 2009 .. ow he's so cute ..
In 2003 Gustav worked as Continuity Announcer for RCTI Promotion Department. Then, in 2005 he started to join with RCTI News. Beside as a tv presenter, others activity that Gustav do are being a host, a moderator, and a public speaker. Gustav's hobbies are playing football, traveling, and music.
Gustav Aulia has some tips for you, if you are a tv presenter, first, be the soul of the news that you read, second, make the audience as if in front of us, third, learn! learn! and learn!
When I got a task to read a news in front of all of my classmates and my teacher, on Indonesia Language subject, firstly I memorized the news and then I tried to follow Gustav's tips and I trained to read the news in my home before I presentated it. And when I already presentated my news, I felt convidence and a bit nervous I think I already presentated it fluency, maybe that tips gave me some good effect ..
The motto of Gustav Aulia is to be success, don't make any limits on your self .. because that limits are your hopeless and satisfaction. =)
You also can follow his twitter account @gustavaulia