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Saturday, February 19, 2011


Naruto is manga made by Mashashi Kishimoto. Naruto is on of my favorite cartoon. Naruto is a ninja cartoon. The story is nice :) I lik the instrument when the action is sad ....
It's so touched me ! I ever cried when I watched one of the scene ....
hikz :(
Everybody like Naruto, The children until the adultman like this ...
Naruto is famous manga in the world ! :)

The hero is Naruto Uzumaki. He's a ninja who wants to be a Hokage in the future. Hokage is a leader of ninja at Konohagakure (Naruto's village). Naruto is a boy who don't have parents since he was a child. Inside of naruto's body , there's a Kyubi (monster with 9 tails) someone entered it into Naruto's body because the villagers hope if Naruto maybe can be the hero in the future. But since he was a child , his life is silent ! No one to be his friend. Naruto loves eat ramen noodles. He always eat ramen noodles with his teacher in academy, Hiruka. Not only Naruto there , there're Uchiha Sasuke and Sakura Haruno. They are naruto friend's team. The team called Team 7. Their teacher named Kakashi Hatake. Uchiha Sasuke is a boy from respectable family but his family were died all because Sasuke's brother killed them. His ambition is He wants to kill his brother, named Uchiha Itachi. Sakura Haruno is a beautiful girl, she still have low power at first scene. Her ambition is She wants to be a strong girl ! Kakashi Hatake is a teacher who very relaxed, he always make some promise to gather at somewhere, but he always comes late until 3 hours --'
Bad teacher !
Sasuke and Sakura are bestfriend of Naruto. even if Naruto call them family, Kakashi too....
not only them , there're still many figures there with different characters....

The story began was make me interested. because many fights there :D
The enemy are Akatsuki and Orochimaru, Akatsuki is a Orochimaru's organitation. Orochimaru is a exstudent of Jiraiya, Orochimaru has strong power! But he use the power for evil . Orochimaru target Sasuke , because He thinks Sasuke has a strong power and maybe He thinks if Sasuke can be his Follower to destroy Konohagakure. It's easy thing to persuade Sasuke to follow his ! Don't forget , there's Naruto there. When Orochimaru was success persuade Sasuke, Naruto and the others friends was trying to chase Sasuke. But their affair is nothing ! Sasuke still want to follow Orochimaru. It makes Naruto angry and came into conflict. It's exclaimed and sadly. Because Naruto and Sasuke are bestfriend.

The Naruto story devided into 2 sessions. The first session is about Naruto when he was 12 years old. The second session is about Naruto when he was 15 years old. The second session is called Naruto Shippuden. Not only Tv series or comics , Naruto also has some movie. There are :
  •  Naruto the Movie : Ninja Clash in The Land of Snow
  •  Naruto the Movie 2 : Legend of the Stone of Gelel
  • Naruto the Movie 3 : Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom
  • Naruto Shippuden the Movie
  • Naruto Shippuden 2 : Bonds
  • Naruto Shippuden 3 : Inheritors of the Will of Fire
  • Naruto Shippuden 4 : The Lost Tower
At the Naruto Shippuden , Naruto and Sakura was more strong ! And thn Naruto was mature than when he was 12 years old. But at The Naruto Shippuden , Sasuke has followed Orochimaru and go out from Konoha. There're new figures there.
Okay that's all about Naruto, wanna to know more about Naruto ?
visit to :

you can read Naruto online at :



Princess Aurora

Once upon a time, there were a King and a Queen. They had not any children. This problem made them very sad. But one day, when the Queen walked arround the river bank, a little fish lifted up his head from the water and said “Your hope will come true and you will have a daughter”.

The fish prediction came true. The Queen gave birth a beautiful daughter. The King couldn’t held his happiness. They gave the name to their daughter “Princess Aurora”. The King held a big banquet and invited all of the family, relatives, friends, and the citizen in his kingdom. He also invited all of the fairies in his kingdom, so that they could guard againts the princess and blessing her.

There were thirteen fairies in the kingdom, but the king only had twelve gold plates for the fairies. So he decided to invite only twelve fairies and didn’t invite the thirteenth fairy.

All of the guests and the fairies came on thet banquet. They gave the best gifts to the little princess. The first fairy gave her a kindness, the other fairies gave her a beauty, a wealth, etc. So the little princess almost got all the best things in this world.

When the eleventh fairy already gave the blessing, the thirteenth fairy that didn’t get the invitation became so angry, and came to the banquet and took the revenge. The thirteenth fairy said “When she’s fifteen years old, she will stabbed by a sewing needle and she will die”.
The twelfth fairy that had not gave the blessing yet said “The curse from the thirteenth fairy will happen, but I can lighten that curse. The Princess won’t die, she only will sleep away for a hundred years”.

The King expected the twelfth fairy could rescue his beloved daughter from the curse. He comanded to all of people in his kingdom, all of sewing needle in his kingdom must throwed away and destroyed. While all of the blessing from the fairies came true. The Princess was very beautiful, kind, friendly, and wise. All of people loved her.

In her fifteenth birthday, the King and the Queen left the kingdom and Aurora was alone in the kingdom. The Princess explored the kingdom area and saw many rooms in the kingdom. Finally she entered into an old tower. She climbed the narrow stairs and found a little door. There was a gold key suspended on the door.
When Aurora opened the door, she saw an old woman was sewing with the seweing needle and looked very busy.

“Hi ma’am! What are you doing here?”, asked Aurora.

“I’m sewing and embroider”, said the old woman and hod her head.

“How beautiful an embroidery is that”, said Aurora.

Aurora took the sewing needle and joined to embroider. Unfortunately she was stabbed by the sewing needle and the curse really happened. The Princess fell down to the ground. She would sleep away for a hundred years.
The King and the Queen that already came to the kingdom and all of the ministry slept away. Horses in a pen, dogs in the yard, doves on the roof, and flies on the wall, all of them were sleep away. Moreover the fire that was flame stopped, the cooked meats became freeze.
The wild and thorny plants grew faster arround the kingdom and thicker every year. Even the smoke and the smokestack couldn’t see because of that plants.

But the story about the beautiful princess was known until all of the world. So many princes came and tried to enter the kingdom but they always failed because of the thorns.
A hundred years passed. The curse still couldn’t broken. One day a brave prince that alredy heard the story said “All the story will not make me affraid, I will go and see the beautiful princess there”.

Then the prince arrived in front of the plants. He just saw nice plants and passed it easily. When the prince arrived in the kingdom, the kingdom was so quiet and he could heard his breath. He entered the kingdom further and got into an old tower. He opened the door and saw a beautiful princess. He couldn’t took his eyes off of the princess. Then the prince knelt to the ground and kissed the princess. After that the princess opened her eyes and woke up. She was smiling to the prince because the curse had broken. Both of them ran from the tower.

At that time all of the people in the kingdom and the animals woke up too. Finally the King and the Queen held the wedding party for the Prince and the Princess. Then they lived happily ever after.
                                                                       _the end_

I like Princess Aurora. She is a beautiful and pretty princess. She wears pink dress, a gold necklace, and a gold crown. She has white skin, beautiful eyes, and blonde hair. I have many things about Princess Aurora, start from pencils, pens, a diary book, a picture frame, a calendar, a towel, a greeting card, a key chance, etc.
I wish I can have more collection about Princess Aurora. Some people said that it’s too childish. Bur I don’t care about it. Because collecting things about Princess Aurora is one of my simple pleasure ... =)
