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Sunday, June 5, 2011


Hamsters are rodents, nocturnal, and omnivorous animals. It have fat body, the tail is shorter than the body, furry ears, long whiskers, wide feet and thick fur. The color of fur depends on the species, it can be white, gray, black, brown, or red.

Hamsters are funny pets for human. It is not expensive to take care hamsters per month. You can put your hamster in glasses box (aquarium), iron cage, or in a bucket. But if you put it in a bucket, use the new bucket, because maybe there are scratches in the secondhand bucket, they can climb it or maybe detergent smell can poisoned hamsters.

Hamster sleep on sawdust or zeolit sand. The female hamster will make her nest by the sawdust and put the babies there. The babies don't have any fur with small and closed eyes. Replace the sawdust once in 3-4 days. For their bath, replace the sawdust with fruity smells sand.

The foods of hamsters are sunflower seeds, peanuts, soybeans, mung beans, red rice, concentrate, and sprouts. Never give mustard greens, leafy vegetables, and cauliflower to hamsters, they may get stomachache. Don't give a lot of sunflower seeds and peanuts to much, because sunflower seeds and peanuts contain a lot of fat, so it's not good for hamsters. Put the food in a small pottery or plastic cup and give the foods twice in a day, in the morning and evening. For the drink, give your hamsters water, put the water in a special bottle for hamster. Once a week give your hamsters snacks, it can be carrot or jelly for hamsters, so your hamster won't bored with their foods.

And this is the differences between the male and female hamsters.

Please prepare a toilet for hamsters and give some wet sawdust in their toilet. Remember, hamsters are neat animals. They know the differences between their bedroom, toilet, or their foods cup. If there is urine in their foods cup, they will not eat the foods even it still much and nice.

The main toy for hamsters is a wheel. The others toys are labyrinth ways and rolling ball. Don't forget to give vitamins! Drip it into their drink.

My hamsters is Winter White - Sapphire (Phodopus Sungorus). I bought them last month in a pet shop. Their name are David Villa and Aurora Borealis. They have soft gray fur and white fur at their stomach, black eyes, long white whiskers, and gray ears. Winter White - Sapphire was found in Khazakhastan and Siberia. They called Winter White because in winter their fur change into white and will be back again in summer. Unfortunately we don't have any winter in Indonesia. If you spend your time with them everyday, they will be tame in a week. If you spend your time with them everyday, they will be tame in a week.
This species is very friendly and lazy -.-" They spent most of their time for sleeping and lazing. They even sleep on their backs :O and sometime they are drinking while sleeping. The male prefer to eat sunflower seeds while the female rather eat concentrates and vegetables.

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