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We are an English speaking community of ATMA English Course's students. We learn and practice our English while gaining knowledge and cultural understanding from all our new friends all over the world.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Surfing The 'Net = Surfing The World

Internet gives us a lot of information. Whether it’s to do research for homework, play games, watch videos or communicate with friends, almost anything can be found on the Internet.

Surfing the Internet is usually seen as fun, dangerous, or waste of time, depending on who you ask. All of the above is true. It is, in one sense, the world's largest encyclopedia (don't know something? look it up on the Net), but it's also the world's largest data and software. Looking for printer drivers?  better word processor than Notepad? a good antivirus package? Whatever you need, you can find it and download it over the Internet, often for free. 

In my free time, I really like surfing the Internet. When I get home from work, I turn on my laptop, and then I go online. I usually open Twitter, or download some songs.  And you know internet is have something bad or dangerous too, so I'm very careful not to give out my personal information. Also, I don't download or open files I don't recognize. Using the Internet can be fun and convenient way of shopping and finding out new information, but you just need to be careful.

By surfing the 'net, i can make a friends with everyone which is come from other country, get new information or share information, i also can do online shopping.

But remember, there's many kind of people use internet, so you must be carefull too when make a friends with a stranger. Not only peoples, internet is also containd virus, do not open site which is you don't know or just kind of spam, because that can be connet you to site which is contains virus too.


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