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Friday, March 4, 2011

Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan who has full name Richard Russell was born on June 5 1964 (age 46) in San Antonio, Texas.
He  is the author of the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. He also wrote the Tres Navarremystery series for adults.His first book in the series is  The Maze of Bones. As far he always write with genres FantasyDetective fiction,Mythology.

He is like reading since he was child. And the first book that Rick Riordan remember reading is fun was the Lord of the Rings. He read mostly fantasy and science fiction in high school, then he start got interested in mysteries when He got to college. He started writing when he was in middle school. The first story he submitted for publication was when he was 13. It wasn’t published. His first published works were two short stories in the UTSA literary magazine.

Rather than say "things that i like", he's one of the peoples who inspires me. I love the way he write a story, it feels real and he has wild imagination! He ever said that his favorite book he wrote is which have a hard question for a writer. It's kinda rarely tought, but i think that's excess of Rick Riordan that can make he different from the others novel writer.

This is Rick Riordan advice to every young people who want to be a writer

Any advice for young people who want to be writers?

I started writing seriously when I was in eighth grade. I had an English teacher who encouraged me to submit my work for publication.
I became a middle school English teacher largely because of the impact Mrs. Pabst had on me twenty-three years ago, and I love having the chance to encourage kids to write the way I was encouraged. That’s one of the reasons I was not anxious to leave the classroom to pursue full-time writing.
The first thing a young writer needs is a mentor who believes in his or her talent. So don’t be afraid to ask for help! Find a teacher you respect. Correspond with authors. You will find that a polite email will almost always get a response.
Secondly, read a lot! Read everything you can get your hands on. You will learn the craft of writing by immersing yourself in the voices, styles, and structures of writers who have gone before you.
Thirdly, write every day! Keep a journal. Jot down interesting stories you heard. Write descriptions of people you see. It doesn’t really matter what you write, but you must keep up practice. Writing is like a sport — you only get better if you practice. If you don’t keep at it, the writing muscles atrophy.
Finally, don’t get discouraged! Rejection is a part of writing, and it hurts. The trick is to keep at it. Wallpaper your room with rejection notes, if you want, but don’t give up.

After read his books i always think "I want to be like him!"
I really love his novels. It's not boring and reaal 'teen' haha
And he teached something from his advice,  it's like 'write about anything, just do what you want, and don't ever give up!"

That's really can cheer me up ~ and how about you?

Want to know Rick Riordan more?

1. THIS is an interview with Rick Riordan. It's interesting! You can check it out
2. Rick Riordan Site
3. Rick Riordan Blog


1 comment:

  1. Lily thx for posting this writing. I will discuss about Rick Riordan this week in our class. Thank you very much..u give me more inspiration
