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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Soto Daging Kalkulator


Soto Daging Kalkulator which translated into Calculator Meat Soup is a famous cuisine in Surabaya. The food stall is located in Taman Bungkul just next to the skating area. The food stall (warung) name is actually “Sedap Malam”. This warung is always crowded by soto lovers. Based on my observation the warung opens daily from 4 p.m until late night. What special from this soto is it is soto Lamongan. Usually the meat soto is Madurese one which taste doesn’t suit mine. Soto Lamongan has lighter taste which completed with fried innards and perkedel (fried mashed potato). It is served in the evening with some shrimp crackers.
Soto itself is a traditional cuisine. It can be found in almost every region in Indonesia. Every region has its own way in making the soto (soup). The soup made of meat or chicken broth. Even many put innards (jeroan) in the soup. Of course, it’s not my favorite.

Rawon Kalkulator
Soto daging kalkulator is famous, because the seller will count things that you’ve ordered and tell each price like a machine. He will mumble like a robot in a funny rhyme and tone while calculating food that you eat there. Moreover, so far Soto Daging Kalkulator is the only meat soto a la Lamongan. I haven’t  found any other place. The soto is quite pricey compare to other warung. Of course, when it’s compare with a nice restaurant the price is reasonable. If you have time and want to spend more money to taste the soto, I highly recommend this place. If you don’t like soto, you can try the black soup (rawon) in this place too.


  1. I'm wondering where's the picture of the soto? you've just posted the rawon one.For me it looks yucky. Maybe i really need to pay a visit and taste it.

  2. @h1m: just come and taste. if you're not javanese u might not like it, but u'll adore it hahaha
    @nindy: yeah the name is as unique as the seller
